Sandy Paws Beach Cleanup Canova Park

Canova Beach Park 3299 Highway A1A, Indian Harbour Beach

Join us at the Canova Beach Cleanup in Melbourne.  The event is hosted by Sandy Paws Brevard and takes place the 2nd Saturday of each month from 930am – 1130am.  Contact: [email protected]

Sandy Paws Beach Cleanup Canova Park

Canova Beach Park 3299 Highway A1A, Indian Harbour Beach

Join us at the Canova Beach Cleanup in Melbourne.  The event is hosted by Sandy Paws Brevard and takes place the 2nd Saturday of each month from 930am – 1130am.  Contact: [email protected]

Sandy Paws Beach Cleanup Canova Park

Canova Beach Park 3299 Highway A1A, Indian Harbour Beach

Join us at the Canova Beach Cleanup in Melbourne.  The event is hosted by Sandy Paws Brevard and takes place the 2nd Saturday of each month from 930am – 1130am.  Contact: [email protected]

Sandy Paws Beach Cleanup Canova Park

Canova Beach Park 3299 Highway A1A, Indian Harbour Beach

Join us at the Canova Beach Cleanup in Melbourne.  The event is hosted by Sandy Paws Brevard and takes place the 2nd Saturday of each month from 930am – 1130am.  Contact: [email protected]

Sandy Paws Beach Cleanup Canova Park

Canova Beach Park 3299 Highway A1A, Indian Harbour Beach

Join us at the Canova Beach Cleanup in Melbourne.  The event is hosted by Sandy Paws Brevard and takes place the 2nd Saturday of each month from 930am – 1130am.  Contact: [email protected]

Sandy Paws Beach Cleanup Canova Park

Canova Beach Park 3299 Highway A1A, Indian Harbour Beach

Join us at the Canova Beach Cleanup in Melbourne.  The event is hosted by Sandy Paws Brevard and takes place the 2nd Saturday of each month from 930am – 1130am.  Contact: [email protected]

Shoda Family Pelican Beach Cleanup – KBB

Pelican Beach Satellite Beach, FL, United States

Ethan Shoda is host of the Pelican Beach cleanup event. Please arrive on time; recycling will be done at the end of the event. For more information, contact Kathleen Shoda at 321-474-6156 or email at [email protected].

Shoda Family Pelican Beach Cleanup – KBB

Pelican Beach Satellite Beach, FL, United States

Ethan Shoda is host of the Pelican Beach cleanup event. Please arrive on time; recycling will be done at the end of the event. For more information, contact Kathleen Shoda at 321-474-6156 or email at [email protected].

Shoda Family Pelican Beach Cleanup – KBB

Pelican Beach Satellite Beach, FL, United States

Ethan Shoda is host of the Pelican Beach cleanup event. Please arrive on time; recycling will be done at the end of the event. For more information, contact Kathleen Shoda at 321-474-6156 or email at [email protected].

Shoda Family Pelican Beach Cleanup – KBB

Pelican Beach Satellite Beach, FL, United States

Ethan Shoda is host of the Pelican Beach cleanup event. Please arrive on time; recycling will be done at the end of the event. For more information, contact Kathleen Shoda at 321-474-6156 or email at [email protected].