Lagoon Impacts

Click on the links below to get printable sheets from Coalition partner, Sea Grant Florida/University of Florida Extension Service, with the facts you need on:

Fertilizer Thumbnail

—how Fertilizer use affects the health of the Indian River Lagoon,
Fertilizer Fact Sheet

—why Muck Removal matters and where it comes from,
Muck Fact Sheet

—and why Septic Systems can be a problem and what can be done to improve conditions for our Lagoon.
Septic Tanks Fact Sheet


Living Shorelines thumbnail

Then learn more from NOAA about the habitats that make a positive difference for our Lagoon and how we can help create or recreate healthy Living Shorelines in support of this important regional asset:

Living Shorelines Fact Sheet



It REALLY adds up!

Take a look at this short video.

Let the Rubber Duckies give us a picture of how much stormwater runoff matters.


Then LINK BELOW. It takes you to a chart that outlines what different agencies are doing to help save the lagoon.
You will quickly see that the efforts are extensive, but it's worth the effort to understand the scope.

Save Our Indian River Lagoon Performance Tables  - Fiscal Year 22/23 Quarter 1