October Beach Clean Up

Cherie Down Park 8330 Ridgewood Ave, Cape Canaveral, United States

STPS- Sea Turtle Preservation Society October Beach Clean-Up 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM  Oct 7, 2017 Cherie Down Park, Cape Canaveral STPS has adopted Cherie Down Park in Cape Canaveral as part of the Keep Brevard Beautiful Adopt-a-Shore project. Volunteers pick up litter on the first Saturday after the first Thursday of each month starting at 8:00 am and usually finishing by 10 […]

Shoda Family Pelican Beach Cleanup

Pelican Beach Satellite Beach, FL, United States

Ethan Shoda is host of the event. Please arrive on time; recycling will be done at the end of the event. For more information, contact Kathleen Shoda at 321-474-6156 or email at Mrssupershoda@cfl.rr.com.