The War on Pollution Has Many Fronts


Multiple Sources Require a “Yes, And” Control Strategy

Pollution of our Lagoon comes from many sources:

#1 Muck Flux, the black goo buildup from 70 years buildup on the Lagoon floor releasing pollution.

#2 Baseflow: Pollution from septic systems, reclaimed water, and leaky sewer pipes seeps through our sandy soil to the Lagoon.

#3 Stormwater Runoff: rain sweeping pollution off our land into the Lagoon.

#4 Atmospheric Deposition: pollution depositing out of the air.

#5 Point Sources (Sewage Plants): These are minor contributors now but the dominant source of pollution before 1996.

Healing Our Lagoon requires controlling each of these sources: Exactly what the Save Our Indian River Lagoon (SOIRL) Plan is doing with our ½¢ tax. See:


What You Can Do Today:

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