Lagoon Past, Present and Future
December 10
5:30 - 8:30pm
EauGallie Civic Center
1551 Highland Avenue, Melbourne, Fl
1) Year 8 Save Our Lagoon (SOIRL) program status update
2) Septic system upgrade requirements & Funding assistance
3) What you can do: Community based Restoration Success'
4) Duane DeFreese Coastal Conservation Hub at the Aquarium
Virginia Barker: Director of Brevard County Natural Resources Department - SOIRL Update and future post 2026.
Anthony Gubler: Staff, Brevard Natural Resources Department - Septic System Upgrades and replacements
Olivia Escandell: Conservation Manager, Brevard Zoo, Restore Our Shores - Community Based Habitat Restoration
Keith Winsten: Chief Executive Officer Brevard Zoo - Aquarium and Duane De Freese Coastal Conservation Hub
Austin Fox: Florida Institute of Technology - Assistant Professor of Ocean Sciences: Why do we care about Muck?
Tabling exhibitors
- Brevard County Save Our Indian River Lagoon Program
- City of Cape Canaveral
- Marine Resource Council
- Brevard Zoo Restore Our Shores
- The Brevard Aquarium
- Keep Brevard Beautiful
- Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program
- Save The Manatee Club
- Hubbs-Seaworld Research Institute
- Right to Clean Water
- Florida Native Plant Society
- FujiClean USA, Advanced Treatment Septic Systems
Event Sponsors
View our past Straight Talk Events:
January 2023 Sewers & Septics, Titusville High School
June 2022. Update on the IRL Restoration. Gleason Auditorium, FL Institute of Technology.
March 2021. Update on Health on the Indian River Lagoon. Palm Bay Virtual Event
Jan 2020. Straight Talk - Indian River Lagoon Program Update. An event held at Satellite High School.
June 2019. Straight Talk about the Indian River Lagoon. An event held at Dixie Crossroads in Titusville.
January 2019. Sewage System, Septic and Muck in our region. An event held at Gleason Auditorium, FL Institute of Technology