Brevard August 2022 Election Candidate Survey Results

West Melbourne City Council

Survey Question Diana Adams John Dittmore William Johnson Andrea Young
1) Do you fully support the BREVARD COUNTY Save Our Indian River Lagoon(SOIRL) Program and its renewal? No response Yes: Before we spend any more money on restoration, we must stop permitting new septic systems and fix sewage leaks. Yes Incomplete
2) Do you support Low Impact Development requirements in your jurisdiction for every new or expanding development? Yes Yes
3) Do you support requiring conversion of septic systems to sewer or advanced septics (where necessary) for any new development and for upgrading properties? Yes: There should be no permitting of standard septic systems. Expand public sewage infrastructure. Yes
4) Do you support enforcement andĀ penaltiesĀ for fertilizer violations by citizens and commercial/governmental organizations? Yes Yes
5) Do you support a permanent ban on the spreading of biosolids in your jurisdiction? Yes: There are better alternatives such as biofuel. No: Biosolids should only be applied where there is no impact to any surface or underground water supply or the lagoon.
6) Do you support the creation of sustainability boards, and will you actively encourage their projects in your government? Yes Yes
7) If you are elected, will you hold firm on these commitments? Yes Yes